

Common area in Fremont Station in Flagstaff, Ariz

— By Chad Martin, owner of Weave — When you hear the phrase “property branding,” chances are your mind instantly thinks of logos, color schemes, website layouts — maybe some fun pieces of swag in the leasing office. But nothing more consequential, right? Wrong. While these are all important elements to a property’s brand, they are just a small part of the overall experience that makes a property feel like home. Creating a place that feels like home ensures efficiency, consistency and even tenant retention — all music to a …

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Lexington at Dilworth in Charlotte, N.C.

COVID-19 has forced architects to deliver apartment features that are hyper-customized to regional trends and renter demographics.   — By Ryan Carver, SGA|NarmourWright Design — As strange as it may seem, the enduring COVID-19 pandemic is creating an opportunity for innovation in the multifamily industry. These days, my colleagues and I at the architectural design and planning firm of SGA|NarmourWright are sharpening our pencils, fine-tuning the services we deliver during this pandemic era and beyond.  Our clients need the right product for the right target demographic. We study trends by talking …

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